Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

You are not simply a case number; you are our client, an individual with distinct needs in your case. The Hull Firm vigorously defends our clients and will do everything in our power to protect our defendants from criminal prosecution. We care about you and the outcome of your case—we are invested in your criminal defense and ensuring we explore every option to achieve an acceptable solution. It is our goal to provide clear communication, thoroughly explaining each step of the Texas criminal justice process to you. With this client-centered approach, we boast an extensive track record of dismissals, reductions and expunged records.

The Hull Firm focuses on criminal defense—our firm is laser-focused on ensuring we properly guide clients through the Texas criminal justice system through our years of direct experience in Travis County, Williamson County and Hays County.

We are able to navigate the criminal justice system in Travis County through our strong relationships with colleagues in the District Attorney’s office, courthouse employees, judges, police officers and probation officers in the county of your crime.

We are invested in protecting your future and your freedom—it’s our priority. You will always be treated as an actual person with a defense tailored to your unique circumstances.

Contact us today for your criminal defense needs.

What Happens When I Get Arrested?

This is where your criminal defense begins. You will be taken to jail where three things will happen: booking, registration and release.

  1. During the booking process, an officer will take your photograph and fingerprints and will collect your information.
  2. During registration, a judge will explain your rights, advise you of your charges and set a bond. Your bond can include conditions (i.e. curfew, classes, alcohol monitoring, etc.).
  3. Following registration, you will be allowed to make phone calls and plan to post your bond. Depending on the type of bond set by the magistrate, your bond can be posted by a bail bondsman or, sometimes, an attorney. Once your bond is posted, your release can take anywhere from two to six hours.

What Is Probation Like?

Upon sentencing, a probation term for a misdemeanor DWI cannot exceed two years. They will require you to complete Conditions of Probation, which could include assessments, classes, community service and/or an alcohol monitor. Depending on your “risk level” (according to an assessment completed by the Department), you will need to meet with your Probation Officer anywhere from multiple times a month to every three months. At your office visits, you can expect your Probation Officer to verify completion of courses and overall compliance (e.g. drug tests), and update any changes in employment and/or contact information. Probation costs minimally $60.00 a month, but other costs may be incurred based on your Conditions of Probation.

What Is The Range Of Punishment For My Crime?

Class C Misdemeanor – [Tex. Penal Code §12.23]:
• Fine not to exceed $500

Class B Misdemeanor – [Tex. Penal Code §12.22]:
• Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days
• Fine not to exceed $2,000
• Both such fine and confinement

Class A Misdemeanor – [Tex. Penal Code §12.21]:
• Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year
• Fine not to exceed $4,000
• Both such fine and confinement

State Jail Felony – [Tex. Penal Code §12.35 (a), (b)] :
• Confinement in a state jail for not more than two years and not less than 180 days
• In addition to confinement, may receive a fine not to exceed $10,000

Third Degree Felony – [Tex. Penal Code §12.34]:
• Imprisonment in the institutional division for not more than 10 years or less than two years
• In addition to imprisonment, may receive a fine not to exceed $10,000

Second Degree Felony – [Tex. Penal Code §12.33]:
• Imprisonment in the institutional division for not more than 20 years or less than two years
• In addition to imprisonment, may receive a fine not to exceed $10,000

First Degree Felony – [Tex. Penal Code §12.32]:
• Imprisonment in the institutional division for life, or
• Imprisonment in the institutional division for not more than 99
years or less than five years with the exception of aggravated sexual assault, which adds a 25-year minimum punishment if the victim is younger than 6, or younger than 14 and the offense contained threats of serious bodily injury or death, or use of a deadly weapon
• In addition to imprisonment, may receive a fine not to exceed $10,000

Capital Felony – [Tex. Penal Code Ann. §12.31]:
If the individual is found guilty and the state seeks the death penalty:
• Imprisonment in the institutional division for life without the possibility of parole, or
• Death

If the individual is found guilty and the state does not seek the death penalty:
• Imprisonment in the institutional division for life without the possibility of parole
• However, an individual under the age of 18 at the time of the offense as well as a certified juvenile are no longer eligible for life without parole.

What Is SWAP?

SWAP is the Sheriff Weekend Alternative Program. If you decide to take a jail sentence as part of your plea but don’t want to serve the time in jail, you may be eligible for SWAP. For example, if you are given 28 days in jail as a condition of your plea, you would serve 28 days SWAP. You would show up for 28 days, Fridays and Saturdays, from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, and complete work at the jail.

Can I Get My Record Expunged?

Article 55.01 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure sets forth the requirements for expunction. You can only have your record expunged if: You were tried for an offense and were acquitted by the trial court, or; convicted and subsequently pardoned if the charges have been dismissed, have not resulted in a final conviction and there was no court-ordered probation.

Charges can be dismissed because of completion of a pretrial intervention program such as veteran’s court, the indictment was void, or the presentation of the charges was made because of a mistake or false information, or similar reason showing an absence of probable cause at the time of the dismissal. If another charge resulted from the same incident, you cannot have the charge that was dismissed expunged. For example, when charged with a DWI and the DWI was dismissed but the State refiled an obstruction of a highway, you cannot get the DWI dismissed. Not all charges are eligible for expunction. The ability to have your record expunged is an important piece of your criminal defense—contact our office to discuss whether or not this is a possibility for you.

How Long Do I Have To Wait To Get My Record Expunged?

If the offense is a misdemeanor, you will have to wait one year from the date of the dismissal. If the offense is a felony, you must wait 3 years from the date of dismissal.

What Is A Petition For Nondisclosure?

If you have completed deferred adjudication, you may be eligible to file a petition for nondisclosure. This is also called “sealing the record;” here, you must wait two years from completion of the deferred adjudication to file for the petition. If someone does a background check, they cannot see the charge you had “sealed;” however, government agencies can still see the charge. For example, if you were pulled over by a police officer and they ran a criminal history check, the charge you had sealed would show. Not all offenses are eligible for nondisclosure. Contact our office today to see if you qualify.

Criminal Defense by Texas Penal Code Violation

19.02 Murder

19.03 Capital Murder

19.04 Manslaughter

19.05 & 19.07 Criminally Negligent Homicide

20.02 Unlawful Restraint

20.03 Kidnapping

20.04 Aggravated Kidnapping

20.05 Smuggling of Persons

20.06 Continuous Smuggling of Persons

20A.02 Trafficking of Persons

20A.03 Continuous Trafficking of Persons

21.02 Continuous Sexual Abuse of Young Child or Children

21.07 Public Lewdness

21.08 Indecent Exposure

21.09 Bestiality

21.11 Indecency with a Child

21.12 Improper Relationship Between Educator and Student

21.13 Evidence of Previous Sexual Conduct

21.15 Invasive Visual Recording

21.16 Unlawful Disclosure or Promotion of Intimate Visual Material

21.17 Voyeurism

21.18 Sexual Coercion

22.01 Assault

22.011 Sexual Assault

22.02 Aggravated Assault

22.021 Aggravated Sexual Assault

22.03 Deadly Assault of Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer, Member or Employee of Board of Pardons and Paroles, Court Participant, Probation Personnel, or Employee of Texas Youth Commission

22.04 Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual, or Disable Individual

22.041 Abandoning or Endangering Child

22.05 Deadly Conduct

22.06 Consent as Defense to Assaultive Conduct

22.07 Terroristic Threat

22.08 Aiding Suicide

22.09 Tampering with Consumer Product

22.10 Leaving a Child in a Vehicle

22.11 Harassment by Persons in Certain Facilities; Harassment of Public Servant

25.01 Bigamy

25.02 Prohibited Sexual Conduct

25.04 Enticing a Child

25.06 Harboring Runaway Child

25.071 Violation of Protective Order Preventing Offense Caused by Bias or Prejudice

25.072 Repeated Violation of Certain Court Orders or Conditions of Bond in Family Violence, Child Abuse or Neglect, Sexual Assault

25.10 Interference with Rights of Guardian of the Person

25.11 Continuous Violence Against the Family

28.02 Arson

28.03 Criminal Mischief

28.04 Reckless Damage or Destruction

28.08 Graffiti

29.02 Robbery

29.03 Aggravated Robbery

30.02 Burglary

30.04 Burglary of Vehicles

30.05 Criminal Trespass

30.06 Trespass by License Holder with a Concealed Handgun

30.07 Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun

31.03 Theft

31.04 Theft of Service

31.05 Theft of Trade Secrets

31.06 Presumption for Theft by Check or Similar Sight Order

31.07 Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle

31.11 Tampering with Identification Numbers

31.16 Organized Retail Theft

31.17 Unauthorized Acquisition or Transfer of Certain Financial Information

31.18 Cargo Theft

36.02 Bribery

36.03 Coercion of Public Servant or Voter

36.06 Obstruction or Retaliation

36.08 Gift to Public Servant by Person Subject to His Jurisdiction

36.09 Offering Gift to Public Servant

37.02 Perjury

37.03 Aggravated Perjury

37.06 Inconsistent Statements

37.08 False Report to Peace Officer, Federal Special Investigator or Law Enforcement Employee

37.081 False Report Regarding Missing Child or Missing Person

37.09 Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence

37.19 Tampering with Governmental Record

37.101 Fraudulent Filing of Financing Statement

37.11 Impersonating Public Servant

37.12 False Identification as Peace Officer; Misrepresentation of Property

37.14 False Statement Regarding Child Custody Determination Made in Foreign County

38.02 Failure to Identify

38.03 Resisting Arrest, Search, or Transportation

38.04 Evading Arrest or Detention

38.05 Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution

38.06 Escape

38.07 Permitting or Facilitating Escape

38.08 Effect of Unlawful Custody

38.10 Bail Jumping and Failure to Appear

38.11 Prohibited Substances and Items in Correctional Facility

38.111 Improper Contact with Victim

38.114 Contraband in Correctional Facility

38.12 Barratry and Solicitation of Professional Employment

38.122 Falsely Holding Oneself out as a Lawyer

38.123 Unauthorized Practice of Law

38.12 Hindering Proceedings by Disorderly Conduct

38.14 Taking or Attempting to Take a Weapon from a Peace Officer, Federal Special Investigator, Employee or Official of Correctional Facility, Parole Officer, Community Supervision and Corrections Department Officer, or Commissioned Security Officer

38.15 Interference with Public Duties

38.151 Interference with Police Service Animals

38.16 Preventing Execution of Civil Process

38.17 Failure to Stop or Report Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child

38.171 Failure to Report Felony

39.02 Abuse of Official Capacity

39.03 Official Oppression

39.04 Violations of the Civil Rights of Person in Custody; Improper Sexual Activity with Person in Custody or Under Supervision

39.06 Misuse of Official Information

39.07 Failure to Comply with Immigration Detainer Request

42.01 Disorderly Conduct

42.02 Riot

42.03 Obstructing Highway or Other Passageway

42.06 False Alarm or Report

42.061 Silent or Abusive Calls to 9-1-1 Service

42.062 Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance

42.07 Harassment

42.072 Stalking

42.08 Abuse of a Corpse

42.09 Cruelty to Livestock Animals

42.091 Attack on Assistance Animal

42.092 Cruelty to Nonlivestock Animals

42.10 Dog Fighting

42.105 Cockfighting

42.11 Destruction of Flag

42.12 Discharge of Firearm in Certain Municipalities

43.02 Prostitution

43.03 Promotion of Prostitution

43.04 Aggravated Promotion of Prostitution

43.05 Compelling Prostitution

43.22 Obscene Display or Distribution

43.23 Obscenity

43.24 Sale, Distribution, or Display of Harmful Material to Minor

43.24 Sexual Performance by a Child

43.251 Employment Harmful to Children

43.26 Possession or Promotion of Child Pornography

43.261 Electronic Transmission of Certain Visual Material Depicting Minor

43.262 Possession or Promotion of Lewd Visual Material Depicting Child

46.02 Unlawful Carrying Weapons

46.03 Places Weapons Prohibited

46.035 Unlawful Carrying of Handgun by License Holder

46.04 Unlawful Possession of Firearm

46.041 Unlawful Possession of metal or Body Armor by Felon

46.05 Prohibited Weapons

46.06 Unlawful Transfer of Certain Weapons

46.07 Interstate Purchase

46.08 Hoax Bombs

46.09 Components of Explosives

46.10 Deadly Weapon in Penal Institution

46.11 Penalty if Offense committed Within Weapon-Free School Zone

46.13 Making Firearm Accessible to a Child

46.14 Firearm Smuggling

47.02 Gambling Promotion

47.04 Keeping a Gambling Place

47.06 Possession of Gambling Device, Equipment or Paraphernalia

49.02 Public Intoxication

49.031 Possession of Alcoholic Beverage in Motor Vehicle

49.04 Driving While Intoxicated

49.045 Driving While Intoxicated with Child Passenger

49.05 Flying While Intoxicated

49.06 Boating While Intoxicated

49.065 Assembling or Operating an Amusement Ride While Intoxicated

49.07 Intoxication Assault

49.09 Intoxication Manslaughter

71.02 Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity

71.021 Violation of Court Order Enjoining Organized Criminal Activity

71.022 Coercing, inducing, or Soliciting Membership in a Criminal Street Gang

71.023 Directing Activities of Criminal Street Gangs

Criminal Defense by Health and Safety Code Violations

481.112 Manufacture or Delivery of Substance in Penalty Group 1

481.1121 Manufacture or Delivery of Substance in Penalty Group 1-A

481.1122 Manufacture or Delivery of Substance in Penalty Group 1: Presence of Child

481.113 Manufacture or Delivery of Substance in Penalty Group 2 or 2-A

481.114 Manufacture or Delivery of Substance in Penalty Group 3 or 4

481.115 Possession of Substance in Penalty Group 1

481.1151 Possession of Substance in Penalty Group 1-A

481.116 Possession of Substance in Penalty Group 2

481.117 Possession of Substance in Penalty Group 3

481.118 Possession of Substance in Penalty Group 4

481.119 Manufacture, Delivery or Possession of Miscellaneous Substances

481.120 Delivery of Marijuana

481.121 Possession of Marijuana

481.122 Delivery of Controlled Substance or Marijuana to Child

481.124 Possession or Transport of Certain Chemicals with Intent to Manufacture

481.1245 Possession or Transport of Anhydrous Ammonia; Use of or Tampering with Equipment

481.125 Possession or Delivery of Drug Paraphernalia

481.133 Falsification of Drug Test Results

Our Experienced Attorneys Protecting Your Future!

Call The Hull Firm today at 512-599-9999 for your free case review. We are your Austin DWI Attorney here to help you with your DWI Defense needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Call The Hull Firm today at 512-599-9999 for your free case review. We are your Austin DWI Attorney here to help you with your DWI and Criminal Defense needs 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Phone: 512.599.9999

1004 West Ave Austin, TX, 78701
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Who We Are

Founded in 2003, we are a highly-rated, award-winning DWI & Criminal Defense firm. The Hull Firm has represented thousands of businesses and individuals over the years in many types of civil and criminal litigation.

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Mark Hull

Mark Hull

Mark Hull